Shuxiang Liu*, Yan Qiu, Gehong Su, Lina Sheng, Wen Qin, Qinghua Ye, Qingping Wu*, et al. Enhanced heat tolerance of freeze-dried Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 as valid Salmonella surrogate in low-moisture foods[J]. Food Research International, 2023, 173. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113232(第一作者/通讯作者,IF-2022=8.1,中科院大类分区TOP论文)
Shuxiang Liu*, Ruimin Xue, Wen Qin, Xiaojuan Yang, Qinghua Ye, Qingping Wu*, et al. Performance and transcriptome analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis PT 30 under persistent desiccation stress: Cultured by lawn and broth methods[J]. Food Microbiology, 2023, 115. DOI:10.1016/第一作者/通讯作者,IF-2022=5.3,中科院大类分区TOP论文)
Shuxiang Liu*, Yan Qiu, Kexin Ji, Samet Ozturk, Ferruh Erdoğdu, Wen Qin, Ren Yang, Qingping Wu*, et al. Effect of oil exposure stages on the heat resistance of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis phage type 30 in peanut flour[J]. Food Microbiology, 2023, 113. DOI:10.1016/第一作者/通讯作者,IF-2022=5.3,中科院大类分区TOP论文)
Yan Qiu, Samet Ozturk, Xinyao Cui, Wen Qin, Qingping Wu, Shuxiang Liu*, et al. Increased heat tolerance and transcriptome analysis of Salmonella enterica Enteritidis PT 30 heat-shocked at 42°C[J]. Food Research International, 2023, 167. DOI:10.1016/j.foodres.2023.112636(通讯作者,IF-2022=8.1,中科院大类分区TOP论文)
Ruimin Xue, Hong Wang, Dongyu Zhao, Wen Qin, Hongbin Lin, Qinghua Ye *, Shuxiang Liu*. Identification of heat-resistant Bacillus strains in peppers in Sichuan Province, China, LWT-Food Science and Technology,2023,174,114425. DOI: (通讯作者,IF-2022=6.056,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shuxiang Liu*, Haitao Xiong,Yan Qiu,Jianwu Dai, Qing Zhang, Wen Qin*. Radiofrequency-assisted low-temperature long-time (LTLT) pasteurization of onion powder, LWT-Food Science and Technology,2022, 170, 114002. DOI: (第一作者/通讯作者,IF-2022=6.056,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shaojie Ma, Rui Li, Qingye Li, Qing Zhang, Wen Qin * and Shuxiang Liu*.Pilot-Scale Radio Frequency-Assisted Pasteurization of Chili Powders Prepacked by Different Packaging Films, Sustainability 2022, 14(15), 9132. DOI: (通讯作者,IF-2021=3.889,中科院大类分区3区);
Shuxiang Liu*, M.S. Roopesh, Juming Tang, Qingping Wu, Wen Qin. Recent developments in low-moisture foods: microbial studies of thermal pasteurization processes, Food Reserch International,2022,155:111072. DOI: (第一作者/通讯作者, IF-2022=7.425,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Yalan Zhang, Marco E.Pérez-Reyes, Wen Qin; Bin Hu, Qingping Wu*; Shuxiang Liu*. Modeling the effect of protein and fat on the thermal resistance of Salmonella enterica Enteritidis PT 30 in egg powders, Food Research International, 2022, 155:111098. DOI:通讯作者,IF-2020=7.425, 中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shuxiang Liu*, Xinyao Wei, Juming Tang, Wen Qin,Qingping Wu*. Recent developments in low-moisture foods: microbial validation studies of thermal pasteurization processes, Critical Food Science and Nutrition, 2021, 201660. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2021.2016601. (第一作者/通讯作者,IF-2021= 11.208中科院大类分区TOP论文)
Shuxiang Liu, Hong Wang, Shaojie Ma, Jianwu Dai, Qing Zhang, Wen Qin*. Radiofrequency-assisted hot-air drying of Sichuan pepper (Huajiao),LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 135(1): 1-7. DOI:htst:/:s/o//0.0.1././.2020.1.1015801.(第一作者,IF-2020=4.0,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shuxiang Liu, Juming Tang, Ravi Kiran Tadapaneni, Ren Yang, Mei-Jun Zhu*. Exponentially increased thermal resistance of Salmonella spp. and Enterococcus faecium at reduced water activity, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 84(8). DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02742-17.(第一作者,IF-2018=3.8,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shuxiang Liu, Jie Xu, Long Xie, Mei-Jun Zhu, Juming Tang*. Dry inoculation methods for nonfat milk powder, Journal of Dairy Science, 2018. 102(1): 77-86. DOI:第一作者,IF-2018=2.7,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shuxiang Liu, Rossana V. Rojas, Peter Gray, Mei-Jun Zhu*, Juming Tang*. Enterococcus faecium as a Salmonella surrogate in the thermal processing of wheat flour: Influence of water activity at high temperatures, Food Microbiology, 2018, 74: 92-99.DOI:第一作者,IF-2018=3.8,中科院大类分区TOP论文);
Shuxiang Liu, Samet Ozturk, Jie Xu, Fanbing Kong, Mei-jun Zhu, Shyam S. Sablani, Juming Tang*. Microbial validation of radio frequency pasteurization of wheat flour by inoculated pack studies, Journal of Food Engineering, 2017, 217: 68-74. DOI:第一作者,IF-2017=3.1,中科院大类分区TOP论文).
1. 大会报告(在线),射频辅助洋葱粉的低温长时间(LTLT)巴氏杀菌,2022全球微波能源应用大会,中国成都
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